Cabin filters can be divided into standard filters and filters with an additional layer of activated carbon placed between the two layers of the non-woven synthetic fabric of the filter medium.
Activated-carbon filters, like standard filters, block solid particles, but thanks to the special properties of activated carbon, they also absorb unpleasant odours and harmful gases such as ozone, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides

For most car models you can purchase both a standard filter and an activated-carbon filter. It is important to choose activated-carbon filters, because their properties increase the comfort of travel and additionally protect your health.
What is there to know about activated carbon?
Activated carbon has a porous structure similar to a sponge. The pore diameter of individual particles is more than 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Thanks to this porous structure, the activated carbon has a very-large surface area. If you take just one spoonful of activated carbon and count the surfaces of the channels of all its particles, it works out that the surface area of that little bit of carbon would be equal to the area of a football field.
Activated carbon offers adsorption properties, which means it binds chemical molecules, such as gases.
Thanks to the adsorption properties and the large surface area of carbon particles, cabin filters with activated carbon can stop harmful gas particles throughout the whole service life of the filter.
How is activated carbon created, and where else is it used?
Activated carbon is obtained from a variety of different source materials containing carbon. One of the commonly used materials for the production of activated carbon is coconut shells which have been charred to very high temperatures.
There are many types of activated carbon which differ from each other in the way they are produced, the size of their carbon particles, and their purposes. Activated carbon has many industrial uses (e.g. in cigarette filters and in refrigerators), but it is also used in medicine (for the treatment of diarrhoea, indigestion, and flatulence).
Briefly: activated-carbon cabin filters can improve your travel comfort and protect your health.
The FILTRON range holds more than 2700 products, and covers 97% of the European passenger-car market. Mechanics appreciate the high quality of the FILTRON-brand filters. Every year, more than 36 million FILTRON filters find their way to mechanics from all the European countries.